Monday, September 21, 2009

Extreme Mustang Makeover EMM 2009 Ft. Worth

Youth and Yearlings :-)
Oklahoman Terri Lindley and He's All The Rage prepare for their Idols freestyle routine.
Who could forget the skiing guy--who was also the blindfolded horse guy... Or the trick-riding dragon slayer?
In the legends division... the balloon poppin' horse...

El Compadre -- earns top price at the adoption:Miranda Holaday raises the roof the old fashioned way:
A little bridleless cow work...
Bill Lopez whips up a little speed


  1. I'm so jealous that you were there! What fun. Bridleless cow work? Good impressive is that? I'm blown away.

  2. I know! It was really cool. But one of the judges was kind of *snotty* and was like, how hard is it to get a horse hooked on a cow? Well, naturally the whole arena boo-ed him, ha ha. It was very impressive--I mean the horse was hooked on the cow, yes, but he also quit the cow the second the rider asked. So it wasn't all about being hooked/etc... the judges were really inconsistent, and it was hard to tell what impressed them.
